24/7 Mental Health Crisis Hotline

1 (800) 633-5686

Transition Assistance

Transition Assistance Services provides a person with a developmental disability, living in a nursing facility or state supported living center, who has enrolled in the Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Program with funds to assist them with setting up their own home in the community or seeking group home placement. 

The person/family must be enrolled in the Texana Center Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Provider program and maintain Medicaid benefits. 

If the person is establishing their own residence in the community, they have access up to $2,500 (lifetime amount) to purchase items for their home.

If the person chooses to reside in a group home, they have access up to $1,000 (lifetime amount) to purchase items for their room.   

If you would like more information about Transition Assistance Services, you can contact Kevin Barker at (281) 238-1711 or by email at kevin.barker@texanacenter.com

Transition Assistance
Icon Crisis Hotline

24/7 Crisis Hotline

1 (800) 633-5686